dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008

Dealing with education

We have been hearing a lot of different complains about education in Catalonia and Spain from both elementary school and university. Education is a difficult problem to deal with and our politicians don't seem to be doing a good job with it.
About elementary education it is obvious that there is a problem. We have boys and girls that are not interested in studying and have to stay in class until they are 16 and their teachers are obliged by law to make them pass. The ones who are interested at the beginning, finish ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) with 0 motivation and with a level which is much lower than it should be to start with the two last years of high school. Then it is even harder to get high marks during these two years which is important to be able to study what you want to afterwards. Basically a complete disaster.
Now returning to the topic of universities and Bologna plan from which we've been hearing a lot lately. I've been at university for three years now and... what I see is that the most important thing is to unify the criteria, to create the basic subjects for each career and call them the same way, to convalidate the same kind of extra activities in all universities. How can we be talking about unifying criteria with Europe if we don't have it unified here? Moreover I would like to add that it is not that easy to unify the way lessons work in all the European universities as each culture has different ways of doing things, different habits... I think that should be taken into account. I'm not that confident about how would the Swedish system work applied in Spain. I can't see Spanish or Catalan universities working without magisterial lessons... I think our society is not ready for this.